Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the URA headquartered?

Our headquarters is in Jakarta, Indonesia. Please click on the following link for details about our location

(location link).

What services does the company provide?

We provide all types of labor recruitment, training, qualification, then sending the qualified candidates to companies requesting labor/ manpower.

What types of labor do you have available?

All types of professions.

Is there a guarantee for the dispatched labor?

Yes, there is a 3-month guarantee covering the following cases:
1. refusal to work,
2. failure to pass the medical examination
3. not meeting the desired specifications.

When is the recruitment procedure fee paid, and is there an advance payment for it?

There is no advance payment at the beginning of the procedures, and the full amount is paid after issuing the visa in the worker’s name.

What does the recruitment procedure fee include?

It includes medical examination procedures, worker identification number registration with the Indonesian labor office, passport issuance, visa issuance, good conduct and behavior certificate issuance and authentication, Indonesian labor health insurance issuance, Indonesian work permit issuance, and ticket.

What is the recruitment duration?

It ranges from 30 working days to a maximum of 90 working days, starting from the authentication of contracts by the Indonesian embassy.

What are the conditions for recruitment through you?

Conditions include: work visa, work contracts and other documents, authentication of all papers by relevant authorities: Chamber of Commerce, Ministry, Foreign Ministry, Indonesian Embassy at the client’s location, video of the workplace, video of the workers’ and employees’ residence.

Are there specific formats for contracts and other documents?

Yes, there are specific formats obtained from the Indonesian embassy in the country from which recruitment is desired. Please contact us for furthermore in this regard.


How are workers assigned and hired for me?

We will send resumes of workers and employees and schedule an online interview with them, and they will be hired once approved by the client.


When are the resumes sent for selection?

This is done after receiving the required documents.

Can specific, known individuals be recruited?

Yes, that is possible only with a medical examination guarantee, and other guarantees do not apply.

Can recruitment be done through you with visit or tourist visas?

No, only work visas and official procedures are possible.

Do you provide domestic workers?

We do not provide nor have domestic workers, only skilled, professional, technical, and official labor.

What does official procedures mean?

It means the labor leaving Indonesia in an official manner, protecting their rights and entitlements, and also protecting the client.